During my year off from blogging, my life has done a 180. Looking back on 2010, it is probably without a doubt the best year of my life. My life is overflowing with blessings...I have a new job, a new love and a new house. I could blog about all three as there are many things to share and learn about each one but instead, I am going to focus on my magic house.
Back in August, my real estate agent and I headed out to look at some houses on the market. I told her that I was also looking for magic in a house but I was aware that MLS did not list this as a feature. I was going to have to rely on my heart. Well, this trip was supposed to be a browsing session as I wasn't planning to buy until late fall.
However, the magic had other plans. The fourth house on our list had me at its green door. As I walked through the rooms, the house kept saying "Hello Sara, this is your home." Sometimes, when the universe drops your dream house right in front of you, there is no other option than to say, "where do I sign?"
I took possession on October 22 and then Jake and I painted and cleaned to make it ready for moving day. I intended to start blogging about my adventures as soon as I moved in but the days got away on me. So you missed the potential posts about:
- the mice that I found (and removed)
- the paint jobs to cover the bright colors to the "Sara" colors
- all the small jobs that immediately needed to be done (motion sensor light, garage door lock, etc)
- decorating for Christmas
However, there are still lots of things that I need to do with the magic house to keep it up so I am going to blog about my decor changes, design ideas, handywoman jobs and gardening attempt. Budget is going to be a major theme in my postings as I still have my condo (which needs to be rented out) so all my plans will involve ideas on low-cost home ownership, decor and gardening.
Before we go much further, a few more facts about the magic house:
- it is 99 years old (built in 1912)
- it is in good health/shape for its age with no major issues at this time
- the garden is drought resistance with natural plants (and an apple tree, cherry tree and tons of raspberry bushes) and it has a fish pond with koi in it.
- In an "its a small world after all" moment, I found out a friend of mine was really good friends with the previous owners. I was told that a lot of love went into this house...so I assured them that the love continues.
I guess this blog is really about my relationship with this house. I am so in love with it. Come along with me on this journey with me...I am sure it will be a funny one.
can't wait to see the magic house!