Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh how the garden grows

Here are some shots of the garden...with being away for work and the rain, I really haven't been able to do much. The pond is much clearer though...I can actually see the fish. One compost bin is in place; it is amazing how full it already is.

The hollyhocks are taking over the garden but perhaps it will be delightful...I will just wait and see.

I love the greens...all the different shades of it.


My attempt at a vegetable signs of life besides hollyhocks everywhere

One of my three cherry trees

Welcome to the garden, CB (Compost bin)

Rhubarb all last count I have 6 plants of it

Some bulb flowers yet

Fern...ground cover. The fronds are about to unfurl.

I love the wooden rain barrels

Tried my "green thumb at herbs and tomatoes in the planters.

A view of the backyard...its even more green and lush now after the rain. It changes every day.


  1. lookin' good.
    i am jealous of your rhubarb plants and rain barrel!

  2. Your bulb plant looks like it could be a hosta, but I don't know if those grow in your area? Looks great!
